About Eryn

Professional experience

His childhood was spent in his father’s barber shop in the city of Glória do Goitá, in the interior of Pernambuco. It was already the harbinger of a successful trajectory. In the midst of playing with scissors, combs and brushes, Eryn Santos’ talent stood out and it didn’t take long for him to be noticed by the neighbor and then the first lady of the municipality, who took him on a hairdressing and makeup course at Senac. Eryn was only 15 and with his diploma in hand, he had the help of his parents to set up his first salon. After three years, the talented young man decided to take higher flights and left the small country town for the state capital. In Recife, he worked at the traditional Fígaro chain and Fino Trato. Whenever he could, Eryn came to São Paulo to take specialization courses and ended up falling in love with the metropolis. At age 25, then, he had decided it was time to move on again. Newly arrived in São Paulo in 2005, Eryn sought a position as a hairdresser and not an assistant until he was hired by Novita Beauty Center. The tireless search for news and improvement, however, made him leave his comfort zone again and, in 2008, he embarked on a season in Europe. The first stop was in Lisbon (Portugal), where he stayed for two months working with the Jean Louis David team. The next destination was Barcelona (Spain) to do a specialization at Academia Llongueras. The artist also landed in Frankfurt (Germany), where he had the opportunity to work with fashion and commercial production. Back in Brazil, he returned to Novita’s old clientele, where he worked until its closure. However, the salon closed not long ago and Eryn was soon invited to join the team of the top Mauro Freire. At the famous Casa Mauro Freire, his talent was recognized by celebrities such as Fafá de Belém, Carolina Ferraz, Regiane Alves and Murilo Alves – who left their locks in his care – and started to be called for beauty editorials in major publications such as Alpha Report, Marie Claire, Capricho, Glamor and Vogue. Eryn also signed several transformations from Silk to Portal Terra. After four years with one of the most important hairstylists in the country, Eryn decided to follow the dream of opening his own salon in November 2014 inaugurated Ateliê Eryn Santo, and has been exercising his craft with a lot of dedication, work, talent and passion

What I Do

Hair & Makeup

Get In Touch

  • erynsantosmua@gmail.com
  • (551) 253 9076

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